
发布:2013-12-03 00:00来源:5848vip威尼斯暂无    点击数:

   近日,日本爱知工业大学名誉教授青木徹彦(Tetsuhiko Aoki)博士应5848vip威尼斯和可持续与创新桥梁福建省高校工程研究中心的邀请,对我院进行了访问。访问期间,双方就桥梁结构抗震实验上的一些问题进行了讨论,并于12月2日上午为我院师生作了主题为“日本爱知工业大学抗震实验中心的研究概况”的学术讲座。







Dr. Aoki T. is the Honorary Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering and the former Director of the Seismic Resistance Experiment Center in Aichi Institute of Technology, Aichi Ken, Japan. He has received the Award from the Japan Society of Civil Engineering (Tanaka Prize) and the Award from the Japan Society of Industrial Education (Tenth). He has published 5 books as author or co-author. He was a committee member of the Technical Study of Seismic Design of Bridges Considering Cost Reduction (Japan Highway Authority), Technical Study of Rubber Supports at the Second Tomei Highway (Japan Highway Authority), Technical Judge for the Tomita-viaduct Bridge and the Fujishiro-Bridge. He is also the Member of the Committee of Steel Structures in JSCE.